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Sunday, December 12, 2010

Section 6: Getting an IDT Position and Succeeding at It

Instructional Design Job Listings: (My skills are marked by  * )

Listing #1                                                                                                                                                      
Company Mckesson Pharmaceutical
Position: Traning Instructor 2                                                                                                                               
 Location: Westlake TX                   
Listing located at http://www.careerbuilder.com/JobSeeker/Jobs/JobDetails.aspx?IPath=QHKCVGV0A&ff=21&APath=                                                                                                                         

Position Description
 Responsible for conducting supervisory, management or non-technical skills training courses for internal staff. Interfaces with functional organizations to develop specifications for content of courses. Prepares lesson plans including the method, media and documentation to be presented. Instructs participants in classroom lectures and/or group sessions. Conducts follow up to determine applicability of course material.

·  8+ years experience in delivering training content
·  5+ years experience in instructional design (bring work samples of course content, job aids, and instructor and participant guides to any in-person interview)
·  Demonstrated experience with ADDIE course design model (bring course design samples to any in-person interview)
·  Demonstrated experience in Adobe Captivate (bring work samples to any in-person interview)
·  Existing skills in MS Office 2003, Adobe FrameMaker 8, and TechSmith SnagIt
·  Experience with SAP implementations and SAP training
*Strong computer skills using MS XP 2003
·  Experience delivering training using LiveMeeting or other synchronous training method
·  Preferred excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills, including effectively communicating technical solutions in a non-technical way
·  Preferred exceptional listening and analytical skills
·  Preferred demonstrated success collaborating with subject matter experts and team members
·  Preferred demonstrated ability to work well in a team environment
·  Preferred dedication to providing exceptional customer service
* Preferred ability to work in a fast-paced, multi-task environment that demands initiative and responsiveness

*4-year degree in human resources, business or related field or equivalent experience

Listing #2
Company: the Mergis Group
Job Title: Instrucitonal Designer
Location: Dallas TX

Listing located at www.jobfox.com/web/seeker/landing/appjobdetails.aspx?appjobld=8a816199-28a0-42d9-80c4-59e8164ef2c8&source=careerjet1

Job Description:
The instructional Designer is responsible for assessment, design, development, implementation, and evaluaiton of best in class new hire, professional development, leadership, corporate initiatives, and performance improvement solutions that lead to demonstrated ROI.

Job Requirements:
-Minimum 4 years experiance
*Bachelor Degree
-Financial industry experiance
-Experiance using established methodologies in all stages of the instructional design process, inculding assessment, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation
*Project and process management skills and the abilitity to manage multiple projects
-strong background in adult learning practives and  instructional design methodologies
*strong interpersonal and communication skills;
creative, well organized, team player, strong follow through, assertive, abilitiy to deal with ambiguity, willing to learn and teach, facilitation skills

Listing #3
Comapany:  McAfee Inc.
Job Title: Technical Sales Instructional Design
Location: Plano Texas

Job Summary:                                                                                                                     
This position will be responsible for working closely with technical subject-matter experts and project teams to define and implement learning outcomes, learner activities, module structure, content scope and presentation strategies. You must be able to demonstrate success in designing and implementing innovative, computer-based instructional materials as well as instructor led materials. Specifically, your experience should include creating activities, simulations and professional looking graphics. Most importantly, you must be committed to delivering high quality experience to our students, in a blended learning environment while working within the constraints of a particular project.

Requirements (Knowledge, Skills & Abilities):
*High energy person, with excellent teamwork skills
.*Self-directed worker who takes responsibility for on-time task completion in a flexible and creative work environment.
-Ability to develop Technology Based Training in accordance with sound design principles which include: a) analysis of the audience and job tasks; b) the development of curriculum maps, storyboards, flowcharts, performance objectives, testing strategies and learning activities.
-Ability to select the most appropriate media for delivering instructional materials.

Required Tool Skills:
-Authoring Tools: Captivate, Flash, Dreamweaver, XML and HTML code
-Graphics & Animation: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Sound Forge (or equivalent)
-Experience in working with SCORM

*Microsoft Office Suite: (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
-LMS experience preferred
Education & Experience Requirements:
-The above knowledge, skills and abilities may be demonstrated by 5 years professional training and courseware development experience, with a minimum of 1 year computer based instructional design.
-Ability to understand technical content and communicate well with subject matter experts.
*Prefer undergraduate degree in instructional design, education, communication, business, computer science or other discipline requiring mastery of written and verbal communication skills.
-Very strong editing skills, artistic ability and technical expertise are strong pluses

Job Skills Analysis:
Active Learning
Critical Thinking
Reading Comprehension
Service Orientation

Desktop computer Skills:
Word Processing

The things I learned from this evaluation was that I consider myself good and skillful at the items selected, but am curious if this is a true correlation or if this is just my perception.  I am interested in taking a form of quiz to find my skills.  I also noticed that I was not able to say that I am skillful at any of the technological aspects mentioned, but I do consider myself technologically skillful. 

Professional Organizations:
The International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE®) is the premier membership association for educators and education leaders engaged in improving learning and teaching by advancing the effective use of technology in PK-12 and teacher education.

Standard - $10.00 a month

Tons of books, 7 webinars, podcasts, and 3 journals

Conferences and Meetings:
Constant webinars and professional development opportunities and yearly conference.

“Founded in 1972, membership in the Society for Applied Learning Technology® is oriented to professionals whose work requires knowledge and communication in the field of instructional technology. It is a professional society, designed for individual membership participation with classes of membership keyed to the interest and experience of the individual. The Society provides a means to enhance the knowledge and job performance of an individual by participating in Society sponsored meetings, and through receiving Society sponsored publications. It enables one to achieve knowledge for work in the field of applied learning technology by association with other professionals in conferences sponsored by the Society.”

$55.00 per year with and discounts on Society-sponsored journals, conference registration fees and publications.
SALT sponsors three professional development journals; Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, Jpournal of Interactive Instruction Development, and  Journal of Education Technology Systems.
They also send out a weekly email.

Conferences, meetings, and professional development:
SALT offers a yearly conference.

How these organizations benefit me:
Both of these organizations would be a great asset to be members of.  They offer great information regarding technology advances and use, professional developments, and publications. 

Professional Publications:

Journal: IJEL
International Journal on E-Learning

“This journal provides educators and trainers with unique opportunities to enhance learning and teaching in corporate, government, healthcare, and higher education.”

Submission guidelines:
Original, scientifically accurate, good form editorially, informative, summarizing basic facts, coherence, tutorials should include evaluation sections, controversial topics should be treated with an unbiased manner,  APA, no material may be printed that has been previously published, reviewed by atleast two members of editorial review board – five months, not exceed 30 double spaced pages, no title sheet, abstract must be included, etc.

Peer Reviewed:
This publication is peer reviewed through a double blind review process. 

Journal online:
IJEL has an online database of 26,690 articles.

Journal: JIOL
“The Journal of Interactive Online Learning focuses on providing a venue for manuscripts, critical essays, and reviews that encompass disciplinary and interdisciplinary perspectives in regards to issues related to higher-level learning outcomes.”

“Provide a forum for the dissemination of research on  interactive online education, Disseminate ideas that enhance the practical aspects of  interactive online education, Further knowledge and understanding of emerging innovations  in online education, Foster debate about the use and application of online education “

Submission Guidelines:
 Submissions from all disciplines and interdisciplinary perspectives are welcome as long as they conform to basic journal goals. 

Peer Reviewed:
This publication is peer reviewed through a double blind review process by specialist in the field. 

Online Journal:
This is an online peer reviewed journal.

How both of these journals benefit me:
They are both journals with online access, various topics, new technology discussed, and peer reviewed by field specialist. 

Performance Technologist Competencies:
1. Determine project appropriate for instructional development
2. Self assessment
3. Specify instructional strategies
4. Determine instructional resources appropriate (media) instructional activities
5. Create course training packages, and workshop systems
6.  Evaluate instruction/training
7.  Demonstrate appropriate interpersonal, group process, and consulting behaviors
8.  Promote the diffusion and adoption of the instructional development process


1 comment:

  1. I can't get over all the great jobs in IDT profession. you have a great blog!
